Thursday, October 13, 2005

Day 119, Wednesday, October 12

Took Steve, Heidi, and Karina to the airport this morning. They’ll be gone to Minneapolis to visit with Steve’s family for a week so I’m here alone. I’m sure this week’s going to get really long. Steve handed me this long list of jobs he’d like to have me do while they’re away. I’m not sure how many of them I’ll be able to accomplish before I start to get cabin fever and need to spend time away from their house. One thing I definitely plan to do this week is to spend a fair amount of time re-planning the later half of my trip. I’ve got a lot of people I want to visit and need to do a fair amount of re-routing as a result of the Gulf states’ hurricane season. South-Eastern Texas and Louisiana will have to be wiped from my route.


At Thursday, 03 November, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Britton--I met you at the BMW dealership in Portland where you were getting service on your return from the North, heading to the CA portion of your adventure. I was sorry to read of your deer-fueled "diversion." Nonetheless, I was originally impressed by your spirit of adventure and am glad to read it has resurfaced. You are relaunched on a great slice of life. Cherish it. The rains have arrived in the NW. Stay south. Cheers from the graying rookie GSer


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