Thursday, October 13, 2005

Day 100, Friday, September 23

My 100th day on the road!!! How cool is that? 100 days and approximately 13,000 miles so far.I did a little work this morning on the computer updating journal entries and hit the road by noon. I'd not realized last night that it was going to be nearly 400 miles from Crescent to Sacramento today. Figuring that out this morning, I headed over to I5 as soon as possible South of Crescent in order to make some time. As it turns out, the road (HWY 299) I took over to I5 is an incredibly fun motorcycle road. If I'd not been pulling my trailer, I'd have been grinning and laughing most of the way. There were counless super tight switch backs, great scenery, and the entire road was debris free! Awesome!I got in to Steve and Heidi's house this evening around 8pm and sat up a while talking with Steve before hitting the hay.The new tires I picked up in Portland, Metlzer ME880 Marathons, are GREAT. They're a harder compound than the Metlzer Z6's I had before and more importantly are MUCH MUCH quieter tires. The Z6's felt much more secure and had a more neutral steering influence during cornering but literally roared through corners and were fairly noisy in straight aways. These tires are darn near silent. For the riding I'm doing on this trip, harder rubber and silence are perfect!


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