Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Day 1, Friday, June 17:

Well, I’m finally off. After working through the last 3 weeks to get everything in order for the trip, it’s finally REAL. I’m on the road. The true scope of the trip really hasn’t sunk in yet, but I’m glad to be moving. I felt like I was starting to stagnate in Brevard. I’m going to have to make some changes to the initial couple of weeks of my trip because I’m getting off later than I’d planned, but, hey, every day’s Saturday for me right now. I can definitely afford to make changes!
The trip through the Blue Ridge parkway is something everybody ought to be able to do once in their life. It’s absolutely beautiful and the air is fragrant.
I spent the night in a motorcycles (and bicycles) only campground just off the Blue Ridge Parkway and just over the border into Virginia. What a great place, and cheap too. For $15 you get a beautiful campground with a brook running beside it, breakfast in the morning, very clean facilities, and the camaraderie of other motorcyclists doing the exact same thing you’re doing. Great time.


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